Monday, August 29, 2011

How will i sell a refrigerator to an eskimo?

If I found myself sitting in front of an eskimo with a line 
of refrigerators to sell, it would indicate a failure to 
properly pre-qualify my prospect.

If the refrigerator and eskimo are metaphors for convincing 
someone to buy something that is a waste of their money, 
I'm not interested in doing that.  I know your company 
would not want to do that either.
To convince a Eskimo to buy a refrigerator is not an
ordinary thing ....... just telling him that this keeps food
fresh may not work.......So i think explaining him
technically may work........i will try to  convince  a
Eskimo in this way......

I will carry a refrigerator along with me to the Eskimo....
there i demonstrate the working of refrigerator......saying

the temperature in which he lives keeps the food fresh no
doubt about it....but he may not feel that satisfied to eat
such cold food at minus degree centigrade......this
refrigerator increases the temperature  of cold food to some
extent  i.e, i will set the refrigerator temperature to  "0"
Celsius,  so a food at minus degree temperature reaches to 0
Celsius when it is kept in the refrigerator ........ so he
feels the food a bit tastier and hot as he is habituated to
that minus degree temperature 
 let us keep it matter whether its eskimos or body can live without water.and think in a
place like Antarctica where in the temperature dips to
subzero level where in the water doesnt remain in the liquid
form.this is where the refrigerator comes in keeps
water as water and not as ice.if it can keep water as water
then it can keep beer as beer and wine as wine. and no man
even if it is eskimo wont say a NO for a drink.
my caption will "drink water as water"


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